Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

My Photo
Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Beautiful Prayer List

One of my favorite authors, Rebecca Wells, is from Louisiana. She made a prayer list on her website, that I think sums it all up. Do read if you have a chance, and do pray.


Sometimes, it almost seems harder to be away from something bad. Because you feel you shouldn't really be mourning - you didn't lose anything or anyone and so many people are now homeless or looking for missing relatives. If you were there, then you'd have a right to be upset.

But I'm still in shock and sorrow. My home state's coast and many of its inland towns, has been destroyed. Biloxi, where I went every summer for a week when I was a kid - something I looked forward to all year round - is the worst-hit, they say. All I can do is stare at pictures and re-read articles, search the blogs of friends of friends to see if they're ok. I can't - I can't really even do anything to help. Not like I want to, anyway.

I know I'm lucky I didn't lose any family members and they're not homeless. But I still mourn. If anyone who needs help reads this - let me know. I'll do anything I can.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Tigger and I are going to send money to these two:

(super-long link deleted, besides it is in almost every photo gallery on the news - a man wading thru chest-high water carrying his brave, soaked pomeranian. God bless him for rescuing his dog!)

Katrina Part II

Fulfilling empty promises now.... I had a busy day yesterday at work, and monitoring the news and checking in with family. For those who don't know, Mississippi is my home state. I grew up in the Northeast part of the state, but my grandmother, aunt and cousin do live about an hour and a half inland from the coast. They chose not to evacuate, which of course maddened the entire family but they are OK. No power, phones or water, but alive and her house stood.

My parents, sister and her family are all also ok - they got some high winds and a lot of water but their houses are also still standing and I'm grateful they're all OK. Now, I can feel badly for the people on the coast who DID see horrific things, who are homeless and scared. And can't come back home.

What I wrote about yesterday was this: why is it that it takes a disaster for us to become kind to strangers; to reach out to help them, to offer our homes, our clothes, medicine and food. Why must we wait for nature to rise up and show us that she is still the most powerful - that none of our technologies can defeat her - before we show each other love and support? Why can't we all be nice to each other every day instead of when things get bad? I mean, I'm glad that at least we reach out then - and most people don't need that help when there's no disaster. But some do. And everybody still needs kindness. People act so rude and ugly nowadays, I just can't stand it.

On the plus side, lots of random spammers think my blog is good *rolls eyes* See "comments" on my previous post for proof.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

I wrote a really great blog entry about this and it disappeared into cyber-land. I'll rewrite it after I finish the time sheets.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Getaway Plans

September is going to be a rough month for me. I'll be working 3 evenings for this job; in addition to that, I'll be working 3 mornings (7-7:55), 2 evenings and all day on one Saturday for my other job at the Chamber of Commerce. Needless to say, I'm going to be a bit tired. I'd already planned to go to MS in October for a long weekend, so I can see Jesslyn (my niece) cheer at a football game. But I'm thinking of having a nice weekend for myself, too, in the mountains. There are plenty of nice family-run motels that are cheap in that area. I could just take a Friday off and come back on Sunday evening. Go do some hiking, exploring, driving, reading, napping, eating. I have no problem whatsoever going by myself. And I'll have that extra money from working at the Chamber.... or who knows, maybe I'll just take some day trips on Saturdays! Quite frankly, just thinking about going makes me feel refreshed.

When I go to MS in October, I think I will also stay a night in the mountains on the way there.

I'm kind of irked because I just spent almost $9 on a sandwich (really good) and a piece of cheesecake (It was ok, I only ate part of it). I could've eaten a big meal at Cracker Barrel for that, and then not have to eat supper!

On the plus side, the weather is absolutely perfect today - it's warm, but not hot or humid. There's a big blue sky and a slight breeze and its just amazing. I wish I could leave work and go cut my grass. The neighbors probably wish that too... it's ankle high. Part of me wants to go home and do a massive cleaning of the house and lawn mowing. The other part wants to take a nap. I'll clean tomorrow after sleeping in, and then do the shopping and cooking for Janine's birthday potluck party. Maybe I'll mow tonight, if I feel like going out to fill up the gas can.

I hope using the word 'gas' doesn't create a spawn of spam blogs about the stock market!

I also hope everyone has a pleasant, fun weekend being restful or productive, whatever makes you happy. It's important to spend your time off doing what you enjoy doing - not what you feel you should be doing. That is why I clean when I'm in the mood - I get much more pleasure out of it, when it is something I WANT to do - not have to do or ought to do.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Front Row Seat

As much as I bitch about this place, I have to admit there is some great entertainment sometimes. Some of the residents that come in would just kill you, you'd think I was making it all up. Not to mention the interdepartmental relations! The good thing is most are really good natured and have a good sense of humour so we have fun picking on each other.


Can I just say how much I love bloggin'? My cousin Sarah ignored my grumblings and encouraged me to start one - I was frightened by the thought that it must be so much WORK. And I'm pretty good with computers but not great.

As you can see, it's easy. And its so great - my cousins and I keep up with each other like never before. It keeps me in practice with my writing and has sharpened my observations so I have something to write about. Best of all, I've met people from ALL over the world! Cool people from England and Pakistan and all over the US and troops serving in Iraq. Granted, a lot of these are people Sarah knew that read hers then read mine and then I read theirs and so on and so forth. The links and connections spread like wildfire and its just crazy fun. It heartens and reassures me to know there are such good people out in the world and here in this country. We're the everyday people, the ones who work every day and just live life best we know how and that is what matters and I lurrrve the innernet for letting me get to see that.

Plus, I'm a nosy-ass wench who loves to read about and know about other's lives. What can I say - it's the writer/reader in me!

I promise to work on getting the Blogs Links list up so I can list all ya'll that entertain me every day!

Discovery Time

Puppy and I have been taking some nice drives in the evenings - something I love to do. I guess it comes from growing up in an area where there wasn't much else TO do but ride around. I just like seeing the houses, thinking of the people who might live there and what could be going on in their lives. I guess I'm lonely for family and I like to see people in their homes, sitting on the porch or in the kitchen making dinner, or working in the yard. Living life. I like to be aware of, and appreciate, all the life that is around. I love to see the countryside and the fields of crops, and watch the sunset changing with every turn of the tires. Dusk is my favorite time of day. It's been cool enough to roll the windows down too, and I need to start taking my camera - I've seen some great shots. I think the dog gets a little bored but everynow and then he hangs out the window and enjoys the breeze.

Anyway. Last night we made some very pleasing discoveries. About 10 minutes from my house, through a beautiful countryside filled with exquisite farms and giant brick homes on several acres, is a branch of the local community college. That very day I had been looking at their catalog on-line, checking out some of the "for fun" courses. My interest in taking pictures has been revived and I was thinking of taking some classes if I had the time or money. My barn would be perfect for a darkroom, if I knew how to set one up. It already has electricity and is closed in, has shelving, etc. Just needs a good cleaning. So I was really, really happy to discover that I could come home and head to a class that is an easy drive away - no interstates or freeways. I was also very happy to see the incredible and beautiful neighborhoods - not all the homes were mansions, but still clean and beautifully kept. It's motivating me to start on the improvements to mine. But those houses and even the new developments of cookie-cutter houses mean that the land value is good in that area. Good news all around.

I also found a beautiful bed-n-breakfast so maybe I'll treat myself to a night there sometime.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I turned a corner last night and am FINALLY feeling better. I got a good night's sleep and that helped a lot. But I'm not coughing nearly as much, and I feel like one day I'll be back to normal (or as normal as I can be, which isn't very).

I even did a little straightening up, emptied the litter boxes and took the trash out. Thanks for all your get-well messages and listening to me whine and complain. I'll be the first to admit that when i'm really sick I get whiny, emotional and oversensitive. (Some would claim I am like that ALL the time, but really, I've grown up a lot thankyouverymuch) I cried in Wal-Mart the other day while waiting for Rx's, because they didn't have any Watchamacallit candy bars at the check out lines.

In other news, we're having a catered BBQ lunch today to recognize the poor saps who have been here five years or more. I guess I shouldn't say much - I'm in the beginnings of my fourth year here, but at least I'm making plans to get out!!

I'll try to post some interesting stuff since I've been neglecting everyone. I also need to wrestle with the HTML and get a "Links" list on the main page - I tried setting it up before and it didn't work. I want to be able to advertise the other cool blogs I read.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Still Around

I don't feel much like writing and I'm 'bout to go home.. just wanted to do a quick post to say yes, I'm alive still.. albeit that is not feeling all that good. I'm on new medications to ease the coughing and wheezing, but I basically have to ride the thing out. I'm out of sick leave, so I'm back at work and I was busy today... but it made the day go by faster.

I'll try to write more tomorrow..

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Is There No Solace To Be Found???

Attention all salespeople, solicitors, stockbrokers and boring people in general: I don't give a shit about your reports. I don't give a shit about the product you want to sell. Stay OFF my blog and everybody else's because nobody wants to read that crap!!! If we wanted to read it, we'd find it. Blogs are for boring PERSONAL life details, juicy date stories and so forth.

Unless you're going to tell us about your hangover or your new shoes, don't bother posting.

Thank you.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


So, I'm back. I've basically been in bed since Friday afternoon. I'm not much better but I'm back at work. The only time I hate living alone is when I'm sick, but even then I'm particular about who I want around. I didn't even feel like going to the store until yesterday so I pretty much lived on crackers and Sam's choice Cola - but that was OK, cause I didn't have much appetite.

I don't know why I'm not getting better - I've rested, drank fluids, taken the good meds, etc. I hate being sick, and now I'm so behind. Basically I'm well enough that my nasty house irritates me but not well enough to do anything about it. Maybe Labor Day weekend will be a cleaning weekend or something. Right now I just need to make it to work.

Yesterday I came in, stayed for an hour to return phone calls and emails and then left. I did go by Curves to get weighed and measured and THAT was good news. I don't have the printout with me because I didn't feel like waiting for it. But I lost 3 1/2 pounds (hooray for the cracker and cough medicine diet); 3 inches off my waist, 2 off my thighs and I think 1 off my arms. Good stuff.

Gas prices are horrendous. Anywhere from $2.51 to $2.69 for unleaded. I'm glad my car gets good mileage!

Friday, August 12, 2005


Guess what time me and the rest of the planning department left work last night?

Quarter till eleven. Yes, that's right. We sat through a five hour Planning & Zoning Board meeting. I really was convinced we'd be there till death.

I felt bad for everyone though because they had to listen to me cough and snort. This morning I sound like a truck-stop waitress who stayed up all night smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. Which is probably what I will choose to do for a living, so hey! It sounds like more fun than last night.

Anyway, I even made it in to work but everyone made me promise to leave early. I'm down with that.

In other news, I nearly ran off the road last night because gas is now $2.45 for unleaded! It was a bit cheaper near where I live but my gosh. I heard on the radio that last year at this time it was $1.89. I wonder what will happen to our teetering economy when all of a sudden 75% of the work force can't afford to go to work? This is why we need public transportation - but you still can't seem to convince citizens that we do.

Oh well. Happy weekend to everybody!

Thursday, August 11, 2005


I'm getting SICK. It started a couple days ago and I got right on antibiotics... but its worsening, I can actually feel it progressing. Sinus, sore throat and cough that is making its way downward into my chest at an alarming rate.

If the Town Engineer, whom I already curse with nearly every breath, gave me the walking pneumonia HE had and came to work with (I hate when people don't stay home when they're sick!) I swear I will disembowel him, burn his shredded body and dance around it nekkid.

Once I feel better.

People are already avoiding me. This is a GOOD thing, actually. I just wish I didn't have to work late - till 9 pm at least, I know. Can someone email me some Dayquil???

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My Tuesday Evening

Kind of tired, yo. This is what I did after work yesterday:
Drove home. Let exuberant dog out. Fed the cats. Played with and petted the dog. Gave him some turkey. Took him out to play in the yard. Flea-combed him. More petting. Took him to put gas in the car and go to PetSmart to get his nails trimmed. The grooming place was closed, but that was a blessing because I was then given a coupon for a free nail trim! Booyah!

Went back home. Put some laundry away and washed more. Washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Gave the bathroom a half-assed cleaning. Gave the floors a half-assed sweeping. Cleaned the litter boxes. Washed the cat's eyes and put drops in them. Doing all that was enough to make me feel better, especially having the kitchen clean.

Speaking of the kitchen, when I moved the trash can there was a huge, scary brown spider lurking behind it. This is the 2nd one in a week. I smashed him with the dustpan but he was still so scary, even dead, that I took him outside. What's up with these things? Its like when I clean they all come out - is there a huge nest somewhere in my house that I'm disturbing? If so, then I'll just move out. They can have the house. Anyway, after I killed him I consulted my Spirits of the Earth book (see blog entry All About Eve) to see what it said about spiders as messengers. Same thing it said about snakes - some are good, some are bad. That it could indicate jealousy in your life or that someone is talking about you.

!! THAT I can handle - who gives a rat's patootie what people are saying about me? I just can't handle the spiders.

Then Tigger and I went to Bojangles for biscuits and sweet tea for supper, then I went home and read till I was ready to go to sleep.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Hey you..

Slow down. Actually, stop.

Take a deep breath.

Think about something seemingly insignifcant but easily obtained that makes you happy (hot pizza, shoes, clean sheets).

Remember that your Creator thinks you are amazingly wonderful just the way you are. He can never love you more than He already does. So let Him.

Feels pretty good, huh? I found myself doing that and wanted to pass it on to the world.


I'm here at work, and its kind of peaceful today and everyone is in a good mood. It's starting to storm and the sky is really dark so we've turned our desk lamps on and we have country music playing. I've got my coffee and some interesting work to do and I actually find myself to be content and happy here today.

Mmmm. Not to say I wouldn't rather be at home, with the puppy dog and kitties and a nice book...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Help Me!

I can't get these VBS songs (and dance moves!) out of my head!!

Helping was a lot of fun but I was so exhausted this weekend. Kids are tiring. Also, it made me lonely because they were such good company, and seeing the happy families and the moms that were friends... just kind of made me feel alone.

But I was over that by the time I could get home, take a long shower and collapse in my nice comfy bed.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Serengeti Trek

I have to admit helping at VBS was a lot of fun - I wish I could've learned the music beforehand but it was kind of neat struggling along with the dance moves and some of the songs I already know.

MY group is Green Zebras and I have four very neat kids. No brats among them, but one - the poor, sole boy - is quite a talker. I think he was telling me whoppers by the end of the evening but I can't be sure. I mean, when an upbeat, happy kid tells you right after prayer time that his mom, in additon to the big scar on her arm and that she can't use her fingers because of something he did when he was a baby, that she also is having brain surgery in a couple of months because she has a really big tumor - well, what do you do? I'm not really convinced he was telling the truth but I just told him I would pray for her. Brain tumor or no, I'm sure she can use it!!

I also got to decorate a hat, and had a lot of fun playing dodgeball and red rover (a game I hated in school). Don't think that small kids half your size won't be as good as you in dodgeball. They'll be better. One girl even nailed two people - hit one on the back of the head with the ball and it bounced and hit another in the head. Too funny.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Addendum to Daydream

I forgot to say that after this one delightful day, I really don't want the guy to come back or anything. I like my little private existence - I just want the one day and then bye-bye.

What I Want to Do

You know what I wish was happening right now, this very minute?

I'd like to have just gotten out of bed, and am getting into a cute swimsuit and shorts and putting on sunscreen. That's because a really cute, sweet and funny guy is taking the day off from work too and is coming to pick me up in his old truck and we're going to the lake for the whole day. Its a long drive and we turn the radio up and sing along to country music and I admire his tan muscley arms and he makes jokes so that I laugh because he loves to hear me laugh and says I have a great smile.

We lounge on the beach of the lake, listening to music and drinking beer, then running out into the water to play and splash and swim and float. We spend the whole entire day, just talking or being silent, playing or sitting still. We're both reading good books. Just as the sun starts to set, we pack up and leave to go find a hole in the wall BBQ joint, where we get big messy plates of BBQ, slaw, baked beans, bread, sweet tea and pie for dessert. He tells me he loves a woman who will eat.

We go back to my house and build a fire outside and split a bottle of wine and kiss until our lips are numb. Then he gives me a huge hug, and drives off leaving me relaxed, slightly sunburned, dizzy and light-headed and happy.

Now THAT is stress-management!

Unfortunately, I'm still at work. Can't you people see I'm trying to daydream!


Tired. Mowed entire lawn last night, some parts twice. Got all the trash taken out. Kicking self for volunteering to help with VBS this weekend. Work becoming more aggravating.

On plus side, free pizza today at a lunch-n-learn and cake this afternoon for July birthdays. And I'm not overdrawn and I get paid tonight.

Too tired to speak in complete sentences.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Fleas Flee!

While George, Donald and the gang fight the terrorists, I am waging a one-woman war against fleas - less important perhaps, but difficult nonetheless.

I went home yesterday resigned to an evening of intense vacuuming, but after I got the vacuum out and set up (its a wet-dry shop vac) the stupid thing wouldn't work. I sulked for about 15 minutes but I was too riled up to just do nothing. What I came up with worked just as well, perhaps even better. I have mostly hardwood floors, which is a good advantage on my side - so I swept and swept and swept; then I sprinkled carpet flea powder over the floor, and then swept it up so it fell between the cracks (Damn! Sometimes I'm so smart I impress even myself. Other times I'm so dumb I impress even myself) After that I mopped the floor with a pet-safe concentrated cleaner that is actually recommended to be used, diluted, as a flea and tick repellant. That way if my little fuzzy darlings walk across the floor and lick their paws they won't die. I also washed almost everything in those rooms that could be - bedding, blankets, pillows, etc.

We only got the living room, my bedroom and the sunroom done - but those were the most important rooms, since that's where they all hang out mostly. Tonight I have to do the guest room, kitchen and entry way. On the positive side my house is getting really clean and maybe this time I can actually do maintenance to keep it that way.... I have a bit of clutter to deal with too but not too bad...

Next on my list: The Lawn That Wouldn't Die
(That is if I survive helping with Vacation Bible School)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Even after a trip to the chiropractor, using a motorized massager and taking a Percocet my back still hurts. Also, the dog woke me up every two hours last night - and I guess I need to flea bomb my house since several jumped on him right away.

The cat came back but he's hurt - not sure how or what's wrong, other than he doesn't want his stomach to be touched. He came running up when I got home yesterday, and went inside and ate. Then he got in the clothes dryer and slept for hours. Seeing as how he is usually on my head or wrapped around my ankles, I was suspicious that something was wrong. I found out later about his stomach. He seemed more like his old self this morning so I think I will give him a day or two to see if he improves before taking him to the vet and paying $150 to find out THEY don't know what's wrong either. He's eating, and jumping up on high places and jumping down, so he can't be too bad.

I'm amazingly cheerful after all that, though. Granted, I haven't checked my bank account yet...

Monday, August 01, 2005


I should've known better than to brag that the workout went without any difficulty. Shortly after posting that, my back started to hurt.

I would say something about getting old sucks, but my back's had problems since I was a kid. I have scoliosis, but no one ever knew because they didn't screen for it at my school like they did in all the Judy Blume books. So I just went on ahead doing gymnastics and dance and cheerleading, never knowing the havoc I was wreaking on my poor curved spine.

Owen, darling, a massage would be lovely right now...


After skipping workouts all last week, I made myself go back today. Wasn't bad - plus, I sneaked onto the scale before starting and I've lost a pound since last weigh-in. Woo! I have until the 13th till I get weighed and measured again, so I'm going to try to work hard. That, with having a good hair day today I'm feeling pretty good.

I'm tired, though - I didn't sleep well last night, because I was waiting to hear if Mama got home ok and also because one of the kitty cats had run off and hadn't come back. I'm sure he will though - he's just punishing me because I fell asleep while it was raining and didn't let him back in.

We saw Wedding Crashers this weekend and I loved it - it had a weak and rather raunchy start, but then it got really, really good. It stars my future husband, Owen Wilson and he was so good. He doesn't know we're getting hitched, the lucky devil - imagine how thrilled he'll be when he finds out!