Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Katrina Part II

Fulfilling empty promises now.... I had a busy day yesterday at work, and monitoring the news and checking in with family. For those who don't know, Mississippi is my home state. I grew up in the Northeast part of the state, but my grandmother, aunt and cousin do live about an hour and a half inland from the coast. They chose not to evacuate, which of course maddened the entire family but they are OK. No power, phones or water, but alive and her house stood.

My parents, sister and her family are all also ok - they got some high winds and a lot of water but their houses are also still standing and I'm grateful they're all OK. Now, I can feel badly for the people on the coast who DID see horrific things, who are homeless and scared. And can't come back home.

What I wrote about yesterday was this: why is it that it takes a disaster for us to become kind to strangers; to reach out to help them, to offer our homes, our clothes, medicine and food. Why must we wait for nature to rise up and show us that she is still the most powerful - that none of our technologies can defeat her - before we show each other love and support? Why can't we all be nice to each other every day instead of when things get bad? I mean, I'm glad that at least we reach out then - and most people don't need that help when there's no disaster. But some do. And everybody still needs kindness. People act so rude and ugly nowadays, I just can't stand it.

On the plus side, lots of random spammers think my blog is good *rolls eyes* See "comments" on my previous post for proof.


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