Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

It just ain't in me

Ok, so I didn't dump her. Instead, I did an experiment in mature human behavior (must be all those magazines I read addressing these types of problems) and kindly confronted her. She fessed up, and that seemed to clear the air and she became more like herself. I made the decision to stay out of what's going on with her, with the exception of some mildly amusing watching-from-the-sidelines. So I feel better.

I don't really trust her enough to confide in her but I'll still talk to her, and hang out with her from time to time. And I guess we'll see what we will see. I just don't have it in me to just cut people off, I suppose. But I'm ok with drifting apart : )

Speaking of kindness, when I got home last night the workers who had had to cut up part of the road in front of my house to work on a sewer line, patched my driveway! They used some of the blacktop to fill in the gap between the road and my gravel drive. It makes for a smooth, superior driveway-leaving and entering experience. I don't know if they just had some left over or if it's because I waved and asked how they were doing, when I went by at lunch to walk the dog, after my doctor's appointment. Either way, I'm very very very happy.


Blogger PrincessGreen17 said...

Maybe you and the friend are just meant to see each other every now and then and catch up on things. Nice road crew!

4:29 PM  

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