Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Big News... I am free

More details to come, but this is what I turned in today.

29 November 2006

To: X - Director of Development Services
Y - Town Manager
Z - Human Resources Representative

From: Natalie Spencer

Re: Resignation & Two Weeks Notice

Dear X, Y, and Z and whomever else it may concern;

This letter is to inform you of my resignation and to provide two weeks’ notice of leave; my last day with the Town will be Friday, December 15th, 2006.

Please know that a lot of thought and prayer went into this decision over some period of time. My reasons for leaving are my own; there is no specific cause or event here at the Town that shaped this decision. It is simply time for me to move on. My goal is to travel a bit, then move closer to my family and finish my education. I also look forward to reviving my creative skills and pursuing the discovery of what I am truly meant to do. My family and friends are in full support of my decision and I hope that my second family here will understand. I feel completely confident in my plans; my spirituality and faith in God provides a solid path for me and I am not afraid.

I would like to say that I recognize that my time and experience here has been invaluable to me. Not only have I acquired a new side of knowledge and many new skills, I found the realization that who you work with can make the difference between a good job and a bad job; or any job at all for that matter. The people I work with every day are truly the salt of the earth and honestly have become a second family to me; it is because of them, I believe, that I have been here as long as I have. I hope that senior staff recognizes the work and the personality that the main staff provides on a daily basis.

I admit there are certain existing aspects here that have contributed to my desire to leave, but none of them amount to any kind of influence on me to make such a decision. As I said before, this simply what is right for me. I feel I have achieved my full potential here; I also think that a fresh start with someone new may be good for the staff persons I support. My job has evolved and changed so much since I began; perhaps a person coming with the full knowledge of everything can provide better support, and staff can train and shape that person to their needs. I don’t feel anymore that I can provide the level of attention and detail and focus that they all require; now they have the opportunity to choose someone who can give a better performance than I.

X, you have been a compassionate and kind boss. There are not many who would understand the need to stay home after finding your cat run over in the road. I am also eternally thankful for your non-judgmental and caring approach during my battle with the bipolar and anxiety disorder earlier this spring. I am very grateful for the patience and guidance you have given me during your time here. I hope that you continue to find satisfaction here in your role with the Town.

Y, you have provided solid leadership and understanding, as well. There are few managers who would consider their employees’ health and happiness and work to provide them with undeniably great fringe benefits like the summer hours, our holiday lunches, and the fitness program. From you I have learned that leaders’ decisions do not always make sense at first, but possess that vision that allows them to see what will happen down the road and what the best decision is to provide for that time.

Z, you are a beautiful and loving person and a true child of God. You are lucky to have found a calling that you enjoy and a place such as this to provide your talents. I am sorry we didn’t get to spend more time together but you will always be special to me and will certainly keep in touch. Thank you for your patience and your kindness and your Kleenex.

It is with some sadness, some joy, and some excitement for the future that I turn this into you. I pray your support and encouragement to me will continue, as well as your friendship. Thank you for everything, from the very corners of my heart and mind.


Monday, November 20, 2006

What I Really Meant to Say..

geez, over two months since my last entry. I suck, I know, I'm the worst blogger that ever blogged a blog.

Anyway, I'm not dead nor do I even wish to be. I've just been...

um. busy? Ok, not really. I guess I haven't blogged because the things I want to talk about I can't talk about just yet (stay tuned!) BIG, big changes coming.. most of you know what those are either by talking to me or talking about me to someone who talks to me. Say what you will about gossip, it gets the job done.

I'm happy, I'm healthy, I'm confident. I'm about to turn my world upside down and can't wait. But that's another post for another day. And I will probably start a new blog then, too. This one.. I guess I've always felt like I was trying too hard, or I was so bitter and negative and it just hasn't really been me. Or maybe it was the me I was then, who knows.

ANYWAY... my beef today is why is that saying what you want to and being snippy and catty and bitchy NOT the mature thing to do? why can't, for once, you just give in to the urge to be as immature and silly and idiotic as you want to, to give in to the anger and fumes that consume you and really blast the person who has shocked you with an unbelievable level of hypocrisy? I mean, what is the internet FOR other than to completely make fools of ourselves with junior-high level of snottiness and word-flinging? Why do we have to "hold back, because you'll regret it".. I mean sure, I would... probably even the same day.

But it would be so much FUN!!!

Has anyone ever actually done that and not regretted it?