Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

My Photo
Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Friday, September 30, 2005

Um, by the way

Just to avoid any fingers being shaken at me.. I hope nothing in the last post was perceived as racist. I am far from it. My parents were cultured, loving and educated people and I was not raised that way. People in my school actually all got along really well - there was no tension at all between blacks and whites. Some of the older generation still had problems with that, but no one that I really knew.

People always expect that because I'm from MS, my dad was in the Klan. There's still some of that shit going on but for the most part, everyone is pleasant and sweet and helpful to each other, regardless of color.

Heck, the Yankees I've met here in NC are worse about that than most Southerners I know.

Oops. I guess I might have to write a retraction for that, too.

OH! Speaking of retractions, Ingy says his sombrero is perfectly fine, thankyouverymuch.

My 1st White Trash Friday

I found a surprising number of pictures to use for White Trash Friday, in my collection. So I'm all set for the next few Fridays, if I can butter up Stacie into letting me use her scanner here at work.

I do have a picture on my computer of Nelson, the hound dog I used to foster, sitting on my deck. A hound dog on a wooden deck counts as WT, in my opinion.

If it doesn't quite cut it, I qualify for WTF anyway because 1) I'm from Mississippi and went to school where we had a white homecoming queen and black homecoming queen (although I think the blacks actually had wanted it that way, can't quite remember) and 2) I miss the days of parking with a good ol' boy in a darkened cotton field.

Happy WTF y'all!

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Only one more day of gettin' up early this week! Yeeha! Then next week I only work 2 1/2 days then head off to Mississippi to see the folks. I need a road trip, badly. I was trying to get my buddy Ingy who lives in Florida, to meet me at South of the Border for some hot drunken fun this weekend but he won't. Something about his sombrero not being up to speed. But that's ok - he spent quite a lot of time yesterday chatting me with me over IM, making me laugh and reminding me I'm a girl - a hot, fun girl.

Another fun thing happened, a mutual friend of ours from college, Tony, has gotten in touch with both of us. He joined the National Guard and is in Iraq until December. It was neat to hear from him. I had a link on his name to his myspace spot, but blogger ate part of this original post and it disappeared.

On the diet/exercise front, I surprisingly AM getting addicted to it. I'm finding myself wanting to do something active whenever I get stressed out or my feelings hurt, even if I'm exhausted. Also, someone brought in donuts this morning and I could only eat part of one - it was too sweet. I still have a long way to go, but I also feel that I will get there and that it won't take too long if I just keep it up.

I'm happy this morning - here's hoping that work won't screw it up.

Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday, even if I don't have a picture up. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Oh yes, that's why..

I can answer my own question about why its easier to become addicted to that other stuff. Its because all that stuff feels GOOD whereas sit-ups do not.

However. I have to say that after only one day of eating well and exercising, I already feel better. I feel less bloated and toxic and I don't feel deprived at all, although my car did seem to smell like biscuits with grape jelly this morning. I even made a trip to the grocery store and resisted all the calls from the junk food. See, I'm not a girl who believes in starving one's self. I've never been obsessed or fixated on my weight (that's my problem!) and I love a good meal. I don't believe in fad diets or deprivation. Eat things you like, and have the bad stuff in moderation. I wanted chocolate yesterday, so I had two bite-size butterfinger thingies. Satisfied the urge, without eating a whole candy bar. Just common sense. I stuck to natural foods that digest easily and didn't feel hungry or like I was suffering. I'm not dumb. My IQ last tested at 146. I'm old enough to know that the body should be treated well, not tortured.

My abs are killing me, though!

So here are my goals, in addition to being in relatively good shape and not having a heart attack at 35:
I'm 5'2" and I weigh 156 lbs. I'd like to weigh 125 or wear a size 7/8, whichever comes first. I'd like my boobs to go back to a B cup and to not have batwings. And of course to finish growing my hair out.

I am doing this for me, which is the best motivation.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Can You Redirect Addictiveness?

I have an addictive personality.

I didn't need a therapist to tell me this, it's fairly obvious. In my life I have been or am currently addicted to:

Booze, cigarettes, pot, muscle relaxers, sex, men, socializing, spending money, food, sleep, caffiene and reading, to name a few.

I need to be addicted to exercising and getting things accomplished.

Is it possible to redirect an addictive behavior? Can I fool my mind into getting hooked on lifting weights instead of Kit Kats? Or is it that I can only be addicted to what is bad for me? Maybe that's it. It's my rebellious nature. If we make exercise and eating right bad for us, then I'll want to do it?

Just wondering. Any thoughts?

Look, a New Post Finally

Sorry it's been awhile since a new post - the past two weeks have been pretty busy and tiring. I wanted to blog but my thoughts were so tangled up, or I was too tired to think and put my thoughts into words.

If this morning is any indication of the week ahead, this one will be busy too. At least I don't have any meetings to stay late for! Imagine, five whole days of 8 to 5.

Today is the day I start back eating right and exercising. I have been a sloth for over a month now. Granted, most of that time I had a nasty cough and couldn't breathe well just sitting still, much less doing sit-ups. But now it's time to get back to it. I know all I have to do is start and I will enjoy it and feel better. I was doing so well, and now that weight is coming back quickly and the clothes are getting tighter and I just feel unhealthy. So please don't discourage me and say "Oh you don't need to do this!" I know you mean well and I appreciate it, but I do need to. I'm the one living in this body and knows what it needs. That being said, there is also no need to leave a comment like "Thank God, your ass is huge" or anything like that!

On Saturday, my g-f Janine came over in her bad-ass Jeep and our bad-ass selves pulled out all the hedges (aka Spider Condominiums, ack!) in the front of my house. Hard work, but satisfying. It also encouraged me to work out, since it reminded me that I like that tired feeling after physical exertion, and the slight soreness in my muscles. I think we discovered about 3 new species of spiders. After that we cleaned up and I bought her dinner as her late birthday present and then we saw Just Like Heaven which was very good - funny and romantic and clean, I guess I am turning into a total prude or getting old or something because more and more I appreciate "clean" movies. But if it has a good storyline, I can pretty much deal with the unclean too. It was good to get out and also good to have a couple of drinks. Sunday I went to church and it was good to do that, too.

Since I'm feeling kind of icky and bloated and toxic, I've decided to really eat well this week - mostly fruits and vegetables, but also brown bread or rice (cleans your system, no words about Atkins) and oatmeal, things like that. And I'm not giving up coffee. I let myself eat whatever I wanted all weekend and seriously by last night, I was ready to start dieting. I'm also going to the workplace provided exercise class today. I've not gone all summer but today I'm going to start and then tomorrow I'll start back at Curves.

Now I have a shitload of work to do and I bet Sarah's at work now so I can bug her.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Oh yeah...

Was there ever any doubt that Kenny and Renee would break up? I mean, they got married and then dropped off the radar. They were a poor match anyway - I never thought it would last. I don't think he's the marrying kind....

Not Sure Why

I came in a couple hours late this morning, not that the extra sleep helped any. And for some reason on the way to work, I started missing my mother so much I started crying. I miss all of them. And I'm tired. I'm tired of working myself to death and not finding much joy in anything recently, and I'm tired of being alone. I want to be a part of something, I just don't know what. I want to fall in love again - even if it doesn't last, I just need to know that I still can. I'm sick of my house not ever staying clean and the cat boxes stink no matter what I do and I'm almost 28 and have NO idea of any direction in my life, other than I don't seem to want any direction. I'm tired of being on the path of doing what I'm supposed to do and I'm ready to actually taste life.

I guess I'm just really tired. If I can get through tomorrow, I'll be OK.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

She Works Hard For the Money

So you better treat her right!

By end of the day Saturday, I will have worked a total of 60 hours this week between my two jobs. That's not including the driving time. But it will be nice to have an extra $200 - I might splurge and spend half of it on a nice, long massage!! I think I've earned it... and Saturday night will definitely be pizza and relaxing. Sunday will be sleeping. Anyone who wants to call me lazy, for doing that - go right ahead - I'm too tired to care.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

All in Good Humour

Just so everyone knows, that last post was written IN good humour, WITH good humour. I don't want to seem like a man-hating bitch. Us gals love men - we love your smiles and the way you look in jeans and your good clean man smell, but sometimes we just have to make fun of your male eccentricities so we can put up with you! Maybe these guys wouldn't give up on the relationship so soon, if they joked about things with their friends.

In other news, I'm really tired this morning. And it's all cloudy out because Ophelia is bringing us lots of rain and wind, so it's good sleeping-in weather. Bah!

Monday, September 12, 2005


I'm sure this will get a LOT of comments but I don't care. I had a shitty day and I'm taking it out on the males, comprendez-vous?

I've experienced it myself - yet its so hard to believe it every time I hear of it! It seems like nowadays a girl can't talk about ANYthing without her boyfriend or date hearing it completely the wrong way. And I see that some lovely young women like my cousin Sarah have been victims of this in recent days. Therefore, my other lovely cousin Moriah and I, have taken a few moments to let you know from our many years of combined experience, what it is that men hear when you say what YOU think is perfectly innocent.

"Sometimes I get tired of living in an apartment" means "We should look at houses together"

"I love soft cotton sheets" means "I'm secretly registering us for wedding gifts at Crate & Barrell"

"I like you in that shirt" means "I'm going to start telling you how to dress and act"

"My dog seems to like you" means "You're going to be a wonderful father to our children"

"I bet you'd be happy in a job like that" means "I wish you made more money"

"I like blue" means you're going to paint and redecorate his bachelor pad.

"I won't have a roommate next year" means "I better see a ring on my finger SOON"

Laughing at something means you don't take him seriously, and you are immature and inclined to hysterics.

Talking dirty to him means you are needy, horny and desperate.

Being sick or feeling tired means you are a weak attention whore.

Taking notice of such things means you are a bitter, dried-up hag who is still desperately in love with him.

On the flip side, some guys read way too much into things the OTHER way (i.e., "I had a nice time with you" means "Yes, I do want to have 8 kids with you like you want!"). But that's a discussion for another day.

However, they're not all like that so take heart femmes - remind yourself how fabulous you are and that the right one will come along and make you happy! You need someone who's as strong as you, your equal, and obviously they just didn't make the cut.

Have another drink, on me. *clink*

Friday, September 09, 2005

It's Just My Opinion

People who fled their homes and left their devoted pets behind, to fend for themselves and possibly die, don't deserve to be reunited with them. Those animals should be placed in homes with people who would never abandon them, after that dog or cat loved them so unconditionally. How could you go back to that little face and claim to love them and be happy to see them, when you just left them there? I know some shelters and hotels don't accept pets but there are other ways!! Pet rescue groups will help, or if you have the means to evacuate then you can just stay in your car, or the animal can anyway! I can't stand to think about those dogs and cats left behind to face that storm - and it makes my stomach twist to think that people could dare to ask to be reunited with them.

I know I wasn't in the situation. But I'll be damned if I leave my furbabies behind, no matter what it takes. About 99% of the people I know feel the exact same way. Your pet loves you and trusts you to provide for them, and take care of them. If you abandoned them, you don't deserve that love.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Thursday's Question

Lydia likes it sexy, so we'll keep going in that direction, with a sprinkling of learning to self-love and appreciate God's beautiful work in making YOU.

Here's the question - what do you like about your body?

I think I have a beautiful back; nice feet; a great rack and big blue eyes and full lips. I also think my body skin is nice - ivory and smooth, no backne or anything.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Wednesday's Question

Here's an easy one - what do you usually sleep in (clothing wise, I know you sleep in a bed or something like it, smartasses!)?

I prefer cotton tank tops and undies.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tell Me About YOU

So, I'm sick of talking about myself. I want to know all about ya'll that are reading this! I love hearing about other people and seeing the little things that twine together to make them that person. So I think over the next few days, I'll ask a series of questions - just basic ones, some you might think weird, who KNOWS what my glittery little brain will brew up? But if you please, do leave a comment and let us know all about you~ I'll answer them too.

Today's Question:

What beauty/personal care products have you found to be tried and true? And girls, what makeup item can you not go without? For me, it's Cetaphil face wash, and Lady Mitchum deodorant. I love the smell of Jergen's cherry-almond scent lotion. My toenails are almost always red. And my favorite cosmetic is lipstick.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Post-It Note Blogging

Stacie has some green suede moccasins with sequin decorations and I want some!

I also want some wine-colored boots.

And to get back in the gym - I think next week I will be able to.

I'm so glad I get paid tonight.

I'm going to the beach this weekend, even if gas is $3 a gallon. I guess tonight I need to clean up (I hate coming home to a messy house) and empty the litter boxes (bleah) and do some laundry and locate my bathing suit.

I'm tired today.. would dearly love to go home and nap.