Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Look, a New Post Finally

Sorry it's been awhile since a new post - the past two weeks have been pretty busy and tiring. I wanted to blog but my thoughts were so tangled up, or I was too tired to think and put my thoughts into words.

If this morning is any indication of the week ahead, this one will be busy too. At least I don't have any meetings to stay late for! Imagine, five whole days of 8 to 5.

Today is the day I start back eating right and exercising. I have been a sloth for over a month now. Granted, most of that time I had a nasty cough and couldn't breathe well just sitting still, much less doing sit-ups. But now it's time to get back to it. I know all I have to do is start and I will enjoy it and feel better. I was doing so well, and now that weight is coming back quickly and the clothes are getting tighter and I just feel unhealthy. So please don't discourage me and say "Oh you don't need to do this!" I know you mean well and I appreciate it, but I do need to. I'm the one living in this body and knows what it needs. That being said, there is also no need to leave a comment like "Thank God, your ass is huge" or anything like that!

On Saturday, my g-f Janine came over in her bad-ass Jeep and our bad-ass selves pulled out all the hedges (aka Spider Condominiums, ack!) in the front of my house. Hard work, but satisfying. It also encouraged me to work out, since it reminded me that I like that tired feeling after physical exertion, and the slight soreness in my muscles. I think we discovered about 3 new species of spiders. After that we cleaned up and I bought her dinner as her late birthday present and then we saw Just Like Heaven which was very good - funny and romantic and clean, I guess I am turning into a total prude or getting old or something because more and more I appreciate "clean" movies. But if it has a good storyline, I can pretty much deal with the unclean too. It was good to get out and also good to have a couple of drinks. Sunday I went to church and it was good to do that, too.

Since I'm feeling kind of icky and bloated and toxic, I've decided to really eat well this week - mostly fruits and vegetables, but also brown bread or rice (cleans your system, no words about Atkins) and oatmeal, things like that. And I'm not giving up coffee. I let myself eat whatever I wanted all weekend and seriously by last night, I was ready to start dieting. I'm also going to the workplace provided exercise class today. I've not gone all summer but today I'm going to start and then tomorrow I'll start back at Curves.

Now I have a shitload of work to do and I bet Sarah's at work now so I can bug her.


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