Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

My Photo
Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Toe Tagged

I've been tagged! Here's more useless information about moi:

4 jobs I've had in my life:
Short-order cook (loved it)
Personal caregiver
Municipal service

4 movies I could watch over and over:
Legally Blonde
Hope Floats
Practical Magic
Sweet Home Alabama

4 TV shows I love to watch:
Law & Order
Simpsons (the older ones)
Gilmore Girls

4 places where I have lived:
Vardaman, MS
Starkville, MS
Altamonte Springs, FL
Durham, NC

4 places I've been to on vacation:
Volunteer Gap, VA
Biloxi, MS
Gatlinburg, TN
Calabash Beach, NC

4 places I'd rather be:
In bed
My grandmother's house (circa 1987)
At the beach
At the mountains

4 of my favorite foods:
Home cookin'

4 websites I visit daily:
Belle of Madison
Bad News Blonde

4 people to pass the baton to:
Eh, I'll give 'em a break : )

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Tigger's First HNT, or, We're hanging on by an eyelash

I haven't done Half-Nekkid Thursday in a while, I hope this counts. I like this picture because 1) my dog is in it and 2) it shows my freckles and my eyelashes look really long and thick. I've always gotten compliments on them and when I wear mascara I get "Are you wearing false eyelashes?"

Um, yeah. I have a hard time making myself keep my eyebrows plucked (not too much of a problem, since I pull them out, but that's for another entry) or keeping my legs silky smooth. Like I have the tendency or patience to wear false eyelashes.

That's what you get for HNT, eyelashes.


Happy HNT!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Everybody's Got to Be Good at Something!

And I happen to be GREAT at procrastination. I know it's a bad habit. Every now and then I go through phases where I am immediately productive and get things done and yes, it feels great. But that is just not me. But really, I don't think I'm too horrible. In fact, I feel like bragging!

I only misplaced/shoved aside one bill this month, resulting in the payment being late. Everything else - ON TIME!

I haven't been overdrawn in months, and I even have a whopping $100 in savings.

I've found, and applied for, new jobs that I would enjoy (thanks, Janine, for pointing that one out! She's my best cheerleader/co-conspirator in excuse-making)

All the rooms in my house are clean except for two (and the basement).

I have been on time for work two days in a row (early yesterday!)

So, just because I only blog sporadically and it took me almost two years to get my name changed back and another year to go get it changed on my license, doesn't mean you can look down your nose at me!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Finally moving on

I just got back from turning in an application for a different job. I'd really like to have it - the funny thing is, its with a neighboring municipality - the "enemy" of the one I work for now. People are leaving in droves here, and I wonder how long it will take someone to notice. But what do you expect, when most of your department heads are incompetent dickheads and everyone's run into the ground? The good pay and benefits has kept most of us here but it's no longer enough. Most of us would rather tighten our belts and have our lives back. So I'll keep you posted on that.. I've found several others to apply to, and Ken made me a kick-ass cover letter to use that really does get attention.

In other news, I've been asked a lot recently how I've lost so much weight. I don't really have an answer, since I haven't been doing much to make that happen. Maybe my metabolism finally just sped up. Maybe it's burning a lot of calories keeping myself from saying "Fuck you" all day at work.

So, at least you are spared me bitchin' bout the job for awhile. I wish I could tell some stories right now that are so miserable and stupid they are funny, but I just don't have the energy.

Friday, January 13, 2006

What was wrong

This dish asked in a comment to my last post, "What's wrong?"

That was really sweet.

I'm feeling much better now. I totally forgot that I was/am going thru nicotine withdrawal which makes everything bad about six hundred thousand times worse. Also, work sucks a lot more than usual and I've realized I'm done here. I have no emotional connection to it, no feeling of obligation or desire to do more. And I'm not the only one who feels that way - this just isn't the place it used to be to work. And all I get is more hours, more responsibility, guilty feelings if I take a whole hour for lunch or leave at five or actually stay home on a holiday. (I know, I'm such a slacker loser!) I guess this is made a bit worse by the fact that I don't actually know what I'd like to be doing, other than getting paid to blog and IM and sit in my pajamas.

And, I was being paranoid and suspicious and obsessive over EVERYTHING the guy I've been seeing would do or say. Then I finally realized that the man has a solid core of decency and even though he can be a cocky motherfucker at times, it amuses me when he is and the rest of the time he's gold.

Also, I haven't seen my dog in almost two weeks and I think my cat has feelings of abandonment and loneliness since I am never home. Otherwise, why would he sit on the pillow last night and claw my head? It's all my fault.

So all this stuff added together was just really getting to me a little. I wasn't sleeping well, had heartburn, stood in front of a microwave and thought of putting a foil-wrapped sweet potato into it and standing with my forehead pressed to the closed door and wait for the shrapnel to solve all my problems! I know this is not a smart option. Addictive substances are much better tools for dealing with problems.

Anyway, I'm feeling better, and it's the weekend (almost)! I just have to get through my six-months-evaluation without asking my boss, really, who gives a fuck? and then I'm home free.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Could be a disorder

I just seem to not want to do anything other than sit here and say FUCK over and over again.

Nothing seems right.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Going on Tour!

My favorite blonde and I are in the preliminary stages of putting together our Bad-Ass Babes tour (see comments in last post). We'll be coming to your favorite dinner theatre, sex shop and local universities - make sure you get your tickets now!

If you're a Bad-Ass Babe and wish to join the tour, please sign up in the comments box below.

I wish I had a camera because I have on my new fishnet stocking "socks". They were on clearance at Target and look so spiffy with my black ankle-strap high heels. Go me.

Special thanks to my favorite brunette for getting my picture up on my profile. Now I just have to get all my links up....

Friday, January 06, 2006

Still smoke-free!

Just saw the comments on a previous post and its been three weeks and I'm still smoke-free!

Aughra, you asking if my hiatus was over lifted my heart. To have a woman as smart, funny and spunky as you - and living her life as she wants - reading my blog and wanting me back is just what I needed. If you ever come to North Carolina, you are staying with me!

Is the Brick Wall Real or Fake? Run into it fast and find out

Obviously, I haven't been blogging.

I know I don't have that much of an audience so i guess I haven't been too worried. For awhile I didn't feel comfortable accessing it at work nor did I have the time. Today I really just don't give a fuck. I know that the time has come to quit dicking around and get my life together or at least a foot on the right path. Problem is what is the right path? What do I want to do? What's the right thing to do?

I used to trust my instincts and go out on a limb. Now, I seem to hedge my bets and second guess myself. I'm scared. Of going broke, losing my house. Trailing back to Mississippi pathetic and ripped up instead of triumphant. Why am I staying where I'm not happy? That applies to so many things in my life right now.

I don't know what I'm good at or what I'm meant to do or anything that I love, love LOVE to do so much other than read. I didn't finish college. My stupid job requires so much brainpower and evenings that I don't think I could handle night school even if I could afford it. I find myself drinking more, caring less and trying even less. Why do I keep jumping happily into that wall, instead of going around it, over it or even digging a tunnel underneath it?

I hate writing crap like this. This is not me. I am a happy, free-spirited person. I just need to find a way to support myself and be proud of who I am while remaining true to that person.