I'm pretty certain that anti-depressants are simply FDA-approved forms of crack squashed into a neat little white pill. Here's why:
Yesterday I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. I had a full, busy day at work and software training (and I stayed alert) but still made it to the gym to exercise at lunch. I had to take some work home with me because the day was so frenzied I didn't get to work on the minutes. Still, I needed a break from work before starting on that. So I washed the dishes, played with the dog, cleaned out and scrubbed my refrigerator, swept the kitchen floor and took all the garbage out. I also used up two bottles of Round-Up on all the weeds and grass the mower can't get to. After a few phone calls I was pretty much ready for bed, so I just went to sleep and got up at 5:30 this morning to work on the minutes. Who IS this person?
Going back to the Round-Up for a minute.. my yard is huge and there are many places that the mower can't get to and I haven't bought a weedeater yet. I did buy a nifty little hand tool that will cut branches and things and has grass shears but my knees are getting old... anyway, my mother had used some Round-Up on poison ivy while she was here, and also went out and bought five more bottles of it for me. I decided that really, I don't need grass under and around the swing.. or by the deck.. or under my grape arbor.. so I got to spraying. Pretty easy and satisfactory work - normally I appreciate the rough beauty of nature untamed but even the best of tree-huggers like me gets to a point where you say, "That looks like crap." I'd like to say I feel badly about spraying poison on innocent grass and weeds but I don't. I hope when I get home today everything is nice and dead and shriveled up.
Unfortunately when I stopped I realized that I'd forgotten to douse myself in Off! and there were chunks of flesh missing from my legs due to mosquitoes. How could I have forgotten that? Ever since I can remember, you didn't go outside in the summertime without being doused in Off! When I was a kid and all us cousins and aunts met up at our grandparents' home, there was a can in every room and two or three outside. You couldn't step foot out the door without being sprayed down and we'd have to re-spray each other while playing outside, too. I'm surprised they didn't just set up a sprinkler system to spray us when we got out of bed. If you think the skeeters are bad where you are, go visit the Mississippi pine belt/delta area. You'll think that pterodactyls have made a comeback, but it's just the mosquitoes. Anyway, I couldn't believe I'd forgotten to put on my coat of Off! before going out to do yardwork.
I feel like I violated my heritage.