Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

My Photo
Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Fashion Police

I hate it when I'm wearing flip flops and someone says "Do you have some shoes to put on/take with you/at work?"

Aren't flip flops shoes??

Thursday, April 27, 2006

How Easter Really Affects Us

Well, the Cadbury Mini-Eggs are finally all gone and I don't know if that makes me happy or sad. I found those to be almost as effective as my anti-depressant, but they are also making my pants tight.

But never fear, it's not like there's a shortage of food around here. Today I woke up with a craving for the frozen Swann's caramel pecan rolls that Debbie brought a box of in a while back. They are rolls, sitting on top of a bed of caramel and pecans in a neat little cardboard boat. You take the plastic off, microwave for a minute then dump it out on a plate. The result is a warm roll dripping in melted caramel sauce and pecans and ohmylord it is so fucking good. I am working on my second one. It makes my head happy, but the memory of being able to zip up a size 8 pair of pants at Old Navy is fading fast, I'm afraid.

In other news, I got a myspace site due to peer pressure. I've met a few nice people but I still think they should call it freakspace.

I mean seriously. I've gotten some freaky messages. I just hit "delete" or "deny" with no bad feelings whatsoever.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

It's Administrative Professionals Day!

Happy overworked, underpaid, underappreciated, constantly disrespected, please save-my-ass at the last minute, oops we forgot to include you in the celebratory lunch, we need your office for someone else can you make a file for this Day!

I neeeeed a digital camera

I think that I would blog ever so much more often if I had a digital camera. Because then I could take pictures of my house projects, my gardening stuff, me... and the entries would be a lot more interesting.

Like today, for instance. This shirt, in my opinion, makes my boobs look fantastic. And i can't share it with all of you!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Afternoon Nappy Time

Pictures may cause extreme drowsiness....

Urges to get a puppy....

and an increase in your "awwww" levels!


Why must every office around this place have a big candy jar full of candy??

Just Put One Foot In Front of the Other

Last night I actually went for a walk! This was inspired by several things. First, my rapidly expanding stomach which had actually shrunk somewhat. I refuse to let it get big like it was and I still had some slimming down to do, anyway!! Second was my new running shorts from Old Navy. They are made from some kind of awesome silky material that doesn't ride up between your thighs while you're moving around and I love them. Third is that it was really nice outside. Fourth is that my anxiety levels have gone through the roof and I've got to do anything I can to take that edge off. My mood is good and I'm happy, pretty much - just that stupid disorder.

I was gone all last week to visit the family which was great, y'all know I love being back in the South with them and I've decided this summer will be the summer to move.

Walking was a bit treacherous - the route I decided to take near my house turned out to be a busier highway than I expected but it was all right. I hate seeing all the trash by the road - I'm always telling myself I'm going to go out one Saturday and pick it all up but I never do.

It reminded me of walking with my cousins down my grandmother's driveway on summer evenings. Now, Grandma's driveway was this very long, winding red dirt gravel road with some really good hills. I'm sure it's not as long as it seemed when I was a kid, but when I was little it seemed like it was 3 miles long! It's probably more like a quarter mile. I don't know if we walked because we liked it, or because our mothers were walking, or because it was a way to stay outside as long as possible before we were piled in the bathtub 2 at a time for baths. But I sure wish I had them around to walk with me in the evenings now. We are, collectively, in North Carolina, Washington State, Wisconsin and Colorado. One still lives there at my grandmother's but that is just too much to blog about. Maybe some night when I'm drunk.

Anyway, I am not sore from walking and it felt good to go out and do it. I can't give up good food so I'm just going to have to exercise more!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Things I never thought I would be saying already by age 28 but I am

  • Geez, my back hurts.
  • I'm so sore from gardening.
  • Here, I have to move out of this position.. my knees are killing me.
  • We're not going out till 10?? But that's so LATE!
  • Damn teenagers.
  • Anything about the weather
  • I'm too old to wear that.
  • That's where the young people go to party.
  • I'm sorry.. 26 is just too young for me.
  • I'm so glad it's Friday. I can't wait to just go home and put my pajamas on and do nothing.
  • It's a good recipe and it's not very fattening.
  • I miss my mommy
  • I miss my daddy
  • I'm just too tired to read. I'm going to go to sleep.
  • I'd love to go shopping, but I'd better get this credit card paid off first.
  • You're 40? 40's not old at all. You're not too old for me.
  • The tanning bed is great but I know how bad it is for me.
  • No more wine, thanks.. it's a weeknight.

Yes, I'm still alive and somewhat sane

I WANT to blog. I really, really do. I don't know what is blocking me. I really, really don't. Except that of recent, I want to talk about some pretty deep private stuff. And too many people who just know the fluffy me read this and dammit, I don't know why.. I just don't feel like I can talk openly sometimes.

But. Things are pretty good. It's spring so the weather's wacky but I can deal. I bought some nice new plants for my yard....

ok, see how boring this is? I'm boring myself! Let me start over and try again.