Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Best Wishes & Congratulations!

Congratulations to the Blonde family on their newest, adorable arrival! And not to be crass, Aughra but your boobs look like they are about to take over the world (not saying that is a BAD thing..)! They didn't look that big before you gave birth. Anyway, good job on the Rock.

Also Best Wishes and early Congratulations to Avery's mom, who as of today will be Avery and Benjamin's mom! Don't worry, everything will be just fine - glad you have your family there to help. Your boobs are impressive as well.

And congratulations to Sarah, who temporarily made it back below the Mason-Dixon line. We missed you! Enjoy your trip. (Should I compliment your boobs?)


I think I discovered a new disease, blogaphobia. Or maybe blogambivalence. Here's my problem: when I'm at home or driving or out and about I think of clever, interesting blog entries. When I am actually in front of the computer, I got nothing. I blame part of this on not having a digital camera - if I could take photos to illustrate my stories or to make a story (see below) then it'd be easier. Unfortunately, I also have a slight fear of digital cameras or rather my probable inability to operate one.

The other part of me thinks no one wants to hear my sob stories or I feel like I'm being dramatic. So what if my weekend consisted of an official breakup a long time coming, my slight crush turning out to have a girlfriend, a day of wallowing, going to a church I like and staying for a young-adults cookout where every other person in it was married? Seriously - I sat with three married couples, most of them getting their MBAs at Duke or Carolina. Still, I was glad I made myself do it. And who cares that my mower, my sweet precious Deere, got a flat tire near the road and I had to leave it there and I probably ruined the rim since I couldn't figure out why the mower wouldn't go and kept trying to make it and then I bothered to look down and SEE. I also went thru my clothes and filled seven bags for the Vietnam Vets Association to pick up, and put some different storage furniture in my bathroom and hung the mirror instead of having it propped on a shelf that I always almost hit my head on when I brush my teeth. So, at least the bathroom looks good. Apparently when life goes downhill a bit, I rearrange and redecorate.

I did, however, get to hang with the girls of S&TC again, since I rented some dvd's of season six. It gave me hope.

So, what's the cure for blogaphobia? Quit being so self-conscious, maybe? Happy Monday to everybody!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Please, anything but this

Last night I was waiting on some prescriptions to be filled, wandering around the store. Naturally I looked at the clothes, to see if I could find some squashed hidden item on the clearance rack for three or four dollars that I might like. And then I saw them.

Jeans, straight leg, with a zipper on the bottom of each leg.

Why is all this ugly shit that nobody looks good in coming back in style? I refuse to participate. I will not tight-roll my jeans, or knot my t-shirt or wear a belt that can double as a big plastic banner. I won't build big bangs or wear anything high-waisted and really, I promise you, I don't look so good in leggings.

There are two things I'd probably do: buy a pair of Jellies and crimp my hair.

I love 80's music but seriously, let's skip the fashion resurrection.

Friday, September 08, 2006

The hills are alive, with the sound of My God you're delusional

I was just emailing with my cousin - we've been discussing, of course, men. I said something about not liking guys who are actually really nice to us and she said:

The assholes, how we love them so. I blame Harrison Ford. Han Solo and Indiana Jones, the eternally inaccessible smartasses.

I responded back while simultaneously being hit with a lightning bolt. I said "Don't forget Captain Von Trapp! The frostiest and smarmiest of them all, and he melts into a singing, waltzing love-god who escapes the Nazis, to boot."

That is when I realized that my entire view of love and it's challenges is probably extremely warped from watching "The Sound of Music" every year as a kid. Have faith, be cute and kind and sing and get other people to sing and whammo - you snatch that hot guy right out from under the Baroness' nose! Hah!

What else warped us as we were growing up? I'd have to say the marriages in the "Little House" books (not the TV show) probably threw me up into the clouds, too. Ma and Pa Ingalls, Laura and Almanzo. The women was dee boss! You just don't see many guys around these days, though, stretching bear skins and smoothing wooden planks with their ax.

I was going to say I've lost touch with reality but come to think of it, I don't think I've EVER been anywhere near it!