Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

How I Spent My Beautiful October Weekend

It's Mid-October, still warm but the leaves are changing. The sky is that perfect, famous "Carolina Blue". Football is in full swing. And how did I spend the weekend?


I came in to finish up our new filing system. This entails going into each folder and finding a year of approval; assigning a number to it in Microsoft Access (or, if it is recent enough, matching it to a project number in our database); typing up tab inserts, then relabeling and if necessary, replacing the folder with a new one, then finally putting it away. I know that doesn't sound too bad. But I spent 7 hours here on Saturday and am on my 3rd hour today which is Sunday.

I know, I know - if I wasn't blogging I'd get done more quickly!

Its just such a pain. This started as a group effort and then got dumped into MY lap and I knew MY review would go badly if it didn't get finished. I probably made a zillion mistakes but at this point I don't care. Each of the files will have a number and a place to live, and besides Confucius say "He who do not come in on the weekend has no right to bitch". Right? Right. Anyone who doesn't like the way its done can come in NEXT weekend and fix it themselves.

All was not lost.. Friday evening I got my hair cut, colored and highlighted and that made me feel better. The money should have gone to repairing the oil leaks in my car, or getting my chimney inspected. But I don't regret it. My inner bombshell wanted out to play and now she's happy. I had dinner with a friend last night after finishing here and got a nice buzz. And I've slept late both mornings which is my favorite weekend indulgence.

I'll have time to clean the house before my daddy arrives on Thursday evening, so I guess its all good. And I'm taking Friday off.

Got to go relabel these damn things and maybe tomorrow I can write about something interesting.


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