Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Friday, December 15, 2006

To Do List

1. Call Alltel to see about changing phone plan
2. Call person interested in seeing house tomorrow to see if they are still coming X
3. Finish all work and exit interview
4. Attend non-town-sponsored Christmas & going-away party at Mac's Tavern
5. Do any cleaning up necessary for house viewing
6. Recover from hangover
7. Get ready for friends' coming over for another goodby party
8. Have mail forwarded
9. Go to bank
10. Finish Christmas shopping
11. Clean out car
12. Pack
13. Sign paperwork for listing house in case person does not buy it tomorrow X
14. Get rid of junk, and take clothes to Goodwill
15. Lose 25 pounds
16. Fill out paperwork to get early withdrawal from IRA account
17. Do Christmas cards
18. Get car tuned up

Who has time for a job???

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow


Ok, I'll miss a good chunk of my coworkers here, but thanks to email and phone they don't have to be out of my lives completely. And in fact, they helped me cook up a very sweet way to answer back to the final insult I've gotten.

(Just think. After tomorrow, you never ever ever have to read about my heinous job again. This one, anyway.)

As usual, the steps they are taking to have help and coverage in the immediate aftermath of my leaving make absolutely no sense to anyone not involved. Have I been invited to meetings to figure it out? No. All I was asked to do was write up all my duties, and how to do them, and train someone all day yesterday on how to do the most important ones. I'm still supposed to be working on an extremely detailed cheat sheet for this person, who is going to work here ONE WHOLE MONTH while they find a permanent person. That itself is fine, except there were people already working here temporarily who wanted to keep on for a little while longer and could've done it just as well.

I was complaining about that yesterday and said "There's no PLAN."

Someone who's been involved in discussions: "Yeah. There's a plan. We just can't say what it is."

"Ok. You can tell me on Friday then."

"No, because you would tell people still working here. Sorry - just can't say anything. People will find out but we have to keep it a secret."

You're replacing an admin, not the speaker of the house!! What's with the secrecy?

So you know that detailed job instructions I'm supposed to type up?

I'll leave it in an envelope. And when they open it, it's going to say:

Sorry. There is a plan in place for how to do my job, but I'm afraid I can't tell you. You'll find out eventually.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Yesterday's Random Thought

You know how they'll use the phrase "one of the world's most dangerous assassins"?

Assassins are paid to kill people. Wouldn't that make them all equally dangerous??

Also, where did the phrase "hock a loogie" originate?

See how productive my mind is becoming already? Stay tuned for an update for a new blog.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Gives new meaning to "spamalot"

The following accompanied a spam email I just got for mail-order prescription drugs:

Of his bones are coral made Thorny hedgehogs, be not seenher the history of the lovers, and their midnight quarrels and shecould say nothing for a long time, but O thy mother, thy mother! they were very serious, and they have the truth from Hero, and seem to are you gentle, strong and valiant and why would you be so fond toto his letter and while he was reading it, he exclaimed, Sweet Aye, Protheus, returned Valentine, but that life is altered now. IValentine, who had so well deserved her.wrote down every thing he saw there, and particularly noticed a molethis, that Iachimo should be made to confess whence he had the ring heThen Lear, nigh heartbroken, turned to Gonerill, and said that he thane, or lord, called Macbeth. This Macbeth was a near kinsman to the which was forming against him under Malcolm, the eldest son of theshe, who till now had been so humble and so hopeless, formed an she, who till now had been so humble and so hopeless, formed anof his fatherinlaw, or angry words of the enraged Katherine, couldon his going home with her, and Antipholis at last, being unable tonot take the money. And the duke went with the abbess and her newlyhe must prepare for death on the morrow. Is there no remedy said averse to comply for this haughty beauty, whom the Duke Orsino had and the knitters when they sit in the sun, and the young maids thatas his own. Then with a cheerful look, as if confident of the trial, by her besides, this young Mountague had never thoroughly enteredwas no world out of Verona's walls, no living out of the sight ofhis mother, how far she was privy to this murder, and whether by herof great crimes the son may have leave to speak even to his own motherplace of lieutenant from him. you s, why do you make us love your goodly gifts, and then snatch drooping prince he lifted up his eyes, which had been so long fixedThe first sign of habitation which they came to was a giant's cave they fared like men that are exiles from their country, and if a gleambehaviour of our men. In some I marked their hearts trembling, throughhis companions are the nymphs which never die.Who has not heardsea belched up against the land he could dimly discover the ruggedstratagem. fattest go to feed the voracious stomachs of the queen's suitors. the dess, and durst not bark, but went crouching and licking of thegainsay the prince. was some which had deceived them to think it was the person offurnish him with a luncheon which, though it generally happened every mother during the period I supposed them entitled to those belovedwas only to come in and say, How does my little darling do today in the way. The last time it was talked of, lady Harriot said her bought for me at this cheerful fair. flames which were pictured in the pretty pictures which the book had,had heard, a confusion was in my head, who it was I had seen that looked upon Betsy as a woman, hearing him so spoken of, and this

That really was where it ended. And I've no idea if any of it is correct; never really dug Shakespeare.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Back to business, people

So, yeah. I'm quitting my job, selling my house to an investor, moving my stuff to storage in Mississippi where my folks are and then bumming around the country for a bit. First stop, Colorado to crash with my cousin Mo. I'll have to work part-time at least to cover monthly bills (unless God loves me enough to let me make some money off my house) but that will still leave much more time and energy for blogging and writing, yee-hah! I plan to start a new blog.. fresh starts all over, stay tuned.

Then I might swing by and visit some fam in Wisconsin, and convince her to join me in a life of non-achievement bumming since her job makes her unhappy, too. Either that or I'll get her some mafia fundage to start her own quilting business. Isn't she talented?

I'm happy happy happy happy happy HAPPY!!!!

Keep your fingers crossed for this one, too - big changes might come about for her. And she needs something good to happen, she really does.