Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Friday, February 17, 2006


Today's blog entry brought to you by the makers of Wellbutrin XL and Zoloft; by the number 9; and by the letter E.

I haven't blogged in forever. There are several reasons, but I guess all those can be summed up by saying it just hasn't interested me lately. I'm still reading blogs on a daily basis and enjoying them, but I just haven't felt like writing on mine. Everytime I think I have something, by the time I get to a computer I've lost interest. I don't really feel like I can talk openly because so many people know about my blog and they may be hurt by something I write. Or other days, it's that I'm just griping and I come across as being so negative. And lastly, my depression and anxiety came back with a vengeance a few weeks ago, and just existing and getting through a regular day exhausted me. It's hard work keeping your shit together. So I went back on the medicines that have worked for me in the past and I won't go off of them again. I'm having a bit more trouble with side effects than I did before, but I know they will go away. I can deal with yawning and dry mouth and jitters alternating with fatigue better than the emotional and physical roller coaster. I already feel more focused and bright and efficient and I'm certainly nicer to people than I have been. So, I know I don't have much of an audience but for those who have kindly checked back regularly, here's a new entry. And I will try my best to post some more soon.