Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

So Far Behind

I need to get caught up in life. I'm a week behind in my BC pills (good thing there's no action going on); my house is filthy. All my pants except the ones I'm wearing, and my dirt-streaked jeans, are in the washing machine. The grass needs to be cut, and the car is filthy and I'm hairy in places I'm not supposed to be. There just hasn't been time recently to remain smooth, silky and lightly fragrant, dammit. Again, good thing there's no action but that could change, right? I need to get on the ball.

And my father is driving up on Thursday to come visit me... I've got to get the house clean, get the fridge cleaned out and some new food in, wash the sheets on the guest bed, etc....

So, since I have to work at my other job this evening and then be here for a little while on Saturday morning for the freaking Litter Sweep. I'm taking 1/2 of Thursday off and all day Friday. Thursday to clean and do yardwork and maybe get a nap... Friday to visit with Daddy.

I did have a nice evening last night. I used to have a black thumb but I'm trying to reverse that. I weeded some of the flower beds and planted a climbing rose bush, lavendar, and some daylilies in the front yard. I like to be out in the yard at twilight, smelling the cool air and feeling the dirt on my hands while I plant things that hopefully will one day be pretty. Makes me feel like an old-timey wise woman, piddling in her herb garden.

Also known as a witch.


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