Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Monday, October 31, 2005


I forgot to mention why I DEFINITELY won't be dating the 23-year-old Joe.

Apparently he tried to call my cell phone this weekend. I don't have the password to check messages on it (It's my work phone) and I didn't recognize the number. I thought it might be him, but I didn't feel like hanging out so I didn't answer. The other times I just didn't have the phone WITH me.

Well, this morning, as SOON as I get on my work computer and my aol comes up he's like "OH MY GOD!!! ARE YOU OK IVE BEEN SO FREAKING WORRIED!!!"

Okayyy... so I explained about the voice mail and he was cool with that.

Then I look at my work email.

Now granted, he admitted in an email that this was weird but he was bored or whatever.

NINE emails.

Nine, people. I counted. I thought he was joking when he said "Um, I sent you like 9 emails, sorry, hahaha"

In one of them, he wrote me a song.

It's nice to inspire people, but um.... this makes me slightly uncomfortable.

He asked if I wanted to hang out with them or him tonight and I said I DID want to hang out again soon but tonight I had to finish cleaning and de-flea-ing my house, which is true. So he said I could drop by if I wanted to.

If I'm driving home to Durham, why would I turn around and come back 30 minutes to "drop by"?

It's very sweet. But.... a bit too much.


Blogger aughra said...

Oooh, that is a bit too much. Creepy.

9:36 AM  

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