Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

In John Deere Green...

(In case some of you aren't into country music, that's a song from the late 90's...)

I am now the proud owner of a John Deere L100 series lawn mower. It's pretty spiffy and a good mower - it probably hates me though because I put it through hell yesterday! I didn't really mean to, though - the grass was so tall it was hard to see if there were sticks under there. Most of them were small though so it was no biggie. The guy who brought it was very nice and not condescending at all. They also delivered it with oil and gas already in it, so it was ready to go. I didn't start till about seven, but it only took me an hour and a half (It has a time counter on it) to mow all of my property. Except for the back edge of the property, anything I didn't mow was because I couldn't get there on the mower. I need a weedeater, I'm pretty sure Daddy said I could have his old one. The only hard part was the front yard next to the highway. I knew the property sloped downward but I didn't realize how steep it was. So that was a little scary. Also, I was delighted to find that I had a huge batch of Tiger Lilies growing in the yard - I just couldn't see them because they faced the back of the property and I hadn't been out in the yard because of the tall grass. I love Tiger Lilies and had been considering stopping on the side of the road and picking some but now I have my own!! Also, some of the wild strawberries had gotten really big, so that was neat to see. I haven't tried eating them. The only bad part was the spiderwebs. Between every single inanimate object was a huge spiderweb and I took ALL of them down with my face or arms. Luckily there were no spiders - I probably would've run into a tree or something trying to get it off me. Tigger was a GOOD boy and sat on the porch the whole time I mowed and watched me. He came and rode with me for a minute or two but decided he didn't like it and went back to the porch. He's become quite the country hound dog.

So this is what I'm thinking. It took me an hour and a half to mow my whole yard. Granted, I didn't do any weedeating, but I mowed more than the guy I'd hired awhile back had mowed. And I paid him $100 the first time, and the grass was about as tall as it was last night. And $60 each time after that! If he'd kept up doing it he would've been making $40 an hour at that rate and made more the first time. No wonder he apologized for his email and asked to come back. No, thank you - my mower payment is $40 a month - huge savings!

Besides, I have to admit. I loved driving that damn thing. It was just a riding mower. But it was MINE. I love machinery. It's a nice mower, too - acceleration is just like a car's, how much you push on the gas/clutch, instead of shifting from one speed to the next. Its really easy to change the cutting level with a handheld lever and it's started with a key. No more ruining my back trying to pull a cord just right! And of course, the much-discussed beverage holder. I'm pretty sure it also has a headlight. I'll get a picture up as soon as I can. I can now honestly say that I take care of my entire place now. It looks good sitting next to the barn, too. And my hair looked neat when I was done - it was all big and curly from the humidity. But I definitely recommend the purchase of, or at least driving of, something like this for the ladies. It's a huge confidence boost. Sitting on that yellow seat, cutting a wide swarth of destruction....

Further proof that I do not ever again NEED a man. There is a big difference between need and want and sometimes it's hard to distinguish, and it's hard for others to tell. But I can honestly say it. I don't NEED a man to do the work. I WANT one to help with the work. : D Preferably one who looks good without his shirt on.

Also, all may rest easy on the toenails. I just took the polish off and trimmed them.
But I still want a tiger.


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