Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Monday, June 13, 2005

If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat!

That was the central message of the sermon yesterday. The topic was failure, and the fact that it is completely normal. And just because you fail, doesn't mean that you quit trying. You just try again, and "fail better"(it took Edison 2,000 tries to get the filament right for the light bulb). It was about not staying where things are comfy and cozy - that it's scary to take risks and think about failure, but we can be rewarded beyond our wildest dreams if we can step out of that boat to follow God's calling for us. To me, this meant to keep on with my writing - to not look at the storm outside the boat (This references to the story in the Bible, when Jesus appeared to the disciples as they were struggling in their boat during a storm. They thought he was a ghost, but he told them not to be afraid. And then Peter stepped out of the boat and began to walk on the water towards Christ, but for one minute he took his eyes off of his Teacher and looked instead at the winds and storm and became afraid, and that is when he sank.), but to keep my eyes on my Father who loves me and wants to give me plenty of excitement and adventure in my life. He knows even better than I do what I desire in my life, and I really do believe if I continue to work and answer this calling, He will make my dreams come true. For too long I have believed that God is this stern judgmental old man, waiting to punish me or make me miserable when I screw up. In fact it is the opposite - He loves us more than we can fathom, we just have to accept that love. Yes, he will discipline us as a wordly parent would - but we will always grow stronger and benefit from that discipline if we keep our faith. Everyone and God himself knows that I am not perfect and I will never claim to be. In fact, that is how I intend to use my writing to reach out to others - to say its OK to be imperfect and blow it from time to time - He'll always be there waiting. I used to hate talking about faith and how I felt. I do still believe that it is a private and personal thing, a person's relationship with God the Father and our Saviour, Jesus. But now that I know the joy - the pure elation and freedom of knowing them - its hard to be quiet about it. I'm not ashamed to say it or stand up for it, but I will never judge another if they are different and I don't try to force my own beliefs on others. Like I said, its a personal relationship - and He made each of us different, so that relationship is of course going to be different! Remember that Jesus himself was a rebel - he liked to defy society, and shake things up, keep things exciting. I think he also had a pretty good sense of humor. Don't be afraid to be yourself with either The Father or The Son - it is what they want, what they crave. Be angry, be hurt, be joyful, be praising, be asking, be questioning. Its all ok and they can handle it.
I admit my spiritual battery has been feeling a bit dull recently so I'm trying to recharge it. I'm telling you - that feeling of elation is addictive like nothing else I've ever known and I've known a lot!! I remember reading something recently on a website where a guy said that he "wasn't stupid enough to believe in God". I guess I can see how many people have that view. But you know, I've never felt smarter and more confident and happy in my life since embracing that belief and that love that was there waiting for me the whole time.

Anyway - so I'm telling myself, Yeah, I want to see how it feels to walk on top of that water. So I'm getting out of the boat. No lifejacket required, either!


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