Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I Must Be Bored

Either that or tired. No, it must be boredom. Today is Lawn Mower Delivery Day, hurrah! Promptly followed by actual mowing. I hope the delivery/setup guy isn't condescending.. I will have to hurt him if he is and I'd hate to do that. Its too much to hope for that he'll be young and cute - all I ask is for non-condescending behavior. Soo, the fact that I'm excited by that is an indication I'm bored. I also want a tiger (yes, a real one - actually, I've always wanted one of those) and I'm considering letting my toenails grow and file them into points like claws. Wouldn't that look good with flip-flops.... ; )

I wouldn't do that of course, but the fact that it occured to me that I COULD definitely indicates something. Also, I nearly butchered my eyebrows the other night because I was feeling lonely.

Beauty Tip for the Day:
If you're feeling lonely/bored/frustrated, DON'T take it out on your eyebrows.. or your hair.. or anything like that, for instance. It will rarely make you feel better. At least think about it for a few days, and don't do it late at night.

It's real hot here. I know that's grammatically incorrect but that seems to be the only way to really say it. Southern language is much more expressive, if you ask me. All these damn Yankees have drummed it out of me... must recapture it.


Blogger Natalie said...

I think it would be nice if everyone began using Southern language and mannerisms - there's not enough of good manners in this world!

And what IS it about Southern boys that makes them so wonderful.. Is it because they get to eat a lot of good food, and their wimmen will watch sports with them? In any regard, there aren't enough of them....

7:51 AM  

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