Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

All About Eve

So yesterday I missed work because I was recovering from a nasty stomach something or other. Fast forward to early evening - I feel well enough to take the poor, bored dog for a quick walk so I harness and leash him up and throw some clothes on, and a bra so if we jog any I don't get two black eyes. For some good reason, I look OUT the back door before we go out it, and sitting on the "Wipe Your Paws" mat, is my cat Carlos and a large pile of black snake.

All together now... AAAAAAHHHH!!!
Now, I grew up in the Deep South, in the real country. Snakes are not foreign to me, but not having Daddy around to kill it, is. And normally cats aren't tolerant of snakes - they hiss, claw, do back-flips, but not this cat. He's just sitting there beside it like its a loaf of bread. Only one of my cats would be like that. So, anyway, I get the cat in and the snake stays put and I stand behind the closed door watching it. I can tell its not poisionous because of the rounded, small head. It wasn't too big around but it really was at least 3 feet long, and pitch black as night. He looked around for a minute then slithered off the side of the deck. I have no idea where he is now and do not care to. I was wondering why he came up there on the deck and I thought "maybe bad weather is on the way" Sure enough, we got a real gully-washer not an hour later. Thanks for the warning, but you can't come in the house.

On the plus side, I haven't seen any of those giant flying cockroach-cricket hybrids that have been lurking around, so maybe he ate them. Thats all right with me, I can handle slow-moving blind snakey better than quick moving icky brown stuff with too many legs.

Just to be sure, I checked my Native-American guide to nature signs and omens in case snakes meant oh, I don't know, someone would leave me a large inheritance. It didn't say too much other than = King Snakes are wonderful to have around (um, ok) and that some snakes are good messengers and some are bad (most poisonous ones are bad, imagine that!). You should never overreact and kill the snake, but you have the right to protect yourself and drive it off. I believe it recommended thanking the snake for coming, but to ask it to go away and take its bad messages with it or the Great Creator would punish it. And to make sure you are smudging cedar or sage while you do that.

I don't know about you, but I ALWAYS seem to be out of cedar and sage at these moments.


Blogger PrincessGreen17 said...

Lol! You had an interesting day to write about. Good post.

8:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Now be a good Indian and restock with all of the herbs and berries so you won't find yourself in that situation again!

9:04 AM  
Blogger Natalie said...

I needed some "herbs" after that!

10:11 AM  
Blogger Natalie said...

Ohh, got it.. see, I don't speak Parseltongue, so I didn't know that....

12:02 PM  

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