Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Friday, July 08, 2005

It's Finally Friday!

So I went and had lunch at Pizza Hut, the buffet. And I'm sitting there and nearby there's a nice young family with a rather hyper daughter. She was perhaps four years old and the conversation went like this:

Kid: What's that?
Mom: Pepper.
Kid: What's that?
Mom: Cheese.
Kid: What's that?
Mom: Pepper.
Kid: What's that?
Mom: Salt.
Kid: What's that?
Mom: Pepper.

Well, you get the picture. Anyway now first let me say I do love kids. With 3 nieces and a nephew of my own, I know all about how they work and I've had a few conversations like that myself. But sometimes I just don't want to listen to others' precious geniuses when I'm wanting a quiet meal. Anyway, I was thinking maybe restaurants could have a new seating division - you know, smoking and non-smoking, children and non-children.

Waiter: How many?
Couple: Two.
Waiter: Smoking or non-smoking?
Couple: Non.
Waiter: Children or non-children?
Couple: NON!!!!!

But then I suppose they'd want to really get detailed, like nonsmoking with nonchildren or smoking with children and it'd be a seating nightmare. Besides, about ten minutes later another small fry blew my idea to pieces. He came in with his dad and brother or friend.. they were about six years old and he had on a gnarly Spiderman outfit. One of the waiters said "Hey, what's up Spiderman?" The kid just kind of gave him a disgusted geez-you're-stupid look and waved half-heartedly. They took a booth near the very front of the restaurant and I was in the back. Shouldn't hear them, right? Wrong. Fortunately it was extremely entertaining.

Kid in Spiderman Suit, at 600 decibels, after lecture to his companions about not looking at ourselves or being selfish: I WILL BELIEVE IN GOD EVERY DAY! IF ANYONE ASKS ME, IF I BELIEVE IN GOD, I WILL SAY YES! FROM TODAY ON THAT WILL BE MY ANSWER, ALL THE TIME, BECAUSE THAT WILL MAKE PRESIDENT BUSH HAPPY TO HEAR THAT.

I lost it.

And since I was sitting alone, with no phone, radio, book or magazine, I looked pretty insane myself. I couldn't help it though, it was so funny. I bet he's president of his kindergarten's future Republican's club.


Blogger Unknown said...

I think I've had that idea too, about non-children sections. It would be a little easier in Madison, because there's no smoking in restaurants anyway.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Lora Leigh said...

I would like a table for two in the non-smoking, non-children section please :)

10:13 AM  

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