Shooting Stars

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Teddy Roosevelt

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a 28 year old Mississippi native living in North Carolina. Read all the entries to find out more!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Independence Day

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Fourth of July! I just want to give a heartfelt thanks... to those people long ago who captured our country's freedom for us.. to my grandfathers for continuing to fight for that freedom and what we stand for.. and their wives and mothers who were brave enough to let them go away from home and do that. And those all over the world who are living in amazing discomfort, are away from their loved ones and familiar places, who do without the little things we take for granted so that we can still be America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. I know other countries detest us and sometimes I detest things going on around here myself but I do know just how damn good we have it. Thank you God that I was born here and have lived a pampered, blessed life surrounded by trees and animals, good music and great food, and endless opportunities to be who I am meant to be. Thank you that I can worship you freely and sleep well at night. Thank you for times of peace and times of struggle that help to remind us of how sweet the peaceful times are. Whatever we do to celebrate, may we all have joy and thankfulness in our hearts for the many good things we have, and may comfort and reassurance blanket those who are doing without, so I can have all that I have.

I would say the old God Bless America, but the Bible says For God so loved the WORLD that he sent his only begotten son - so God bless the whole wide World, especially those that our American soldiers are trying to help.

Now, go eat a hot dog and take a swim!


Blogger Natalie said...

Thanks! I hope you have a somewhat pleasurable Fourth of July!

1:48 PM  

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